An office or company that prioritizes Human Resources as the most important thing, which has the principle that HR is the greatest asset, so it is often organized an Incentive Program

Bali Incentive (Outbound, Outing, Gathering)

Bali Incentive (Outbound, Outing, Gathering) is often held in Bali with various themes, because in addition to having extraordinary tourist attraction, Bali is also located in the middle category based on Indonesia’s geography. An office or company that prioritizes Human Resources (HR) as the most important thing, which has the principle that HR is the greatest asset, so it is often organized an Incentive Program. Some of these programs that have been frequently held in Bali include outbound, outing, and gathering which are packed with various activities and varying in duration. Depending on the objectives and theme of each activity, of course based on the initial concept that has been determined and decided in a plan.

Outbound, Outing and Gathering Packages in Bali

Of the several packages for incentive programs, namely outbound, outing and gathering in Bali, this depends on the choice, what is the theme and concept? where is the choice of location ?, and when will it be held? Rhidays Holiday can provide special offers when you already know some of the required information as described above. With more intensive communication, planning will be better.

Price of Outbound, Outing or Gathering Packages in Bali as an Incentive Program

To be able to determine the outbound, outing and gathering packages as an incentive program in Bali, some information is needed, such as the number of participants, duration or duration of the program, for example 4 Days 3 Nights, or 3 Days 2 Nights, and maybe only 2 Days 1 night only. Several other important things that are the target of the office or company that will organize it are also a factor in determining the price.
Outbound (Team Building, Amazing Race, Treasure Hunt)

Outbound theme in Bali

Team Building, Amazing Race, and Treasure Hunt are some of the outbound themes in Bali that can be selected. With various packages of games or games that lead to an analogy of life that is often experienced in everyday life, especially in activities or routines when working in a company or office. The types of games such as those related to team work, leadership, integration, and so on. Experiential Learning or learning from an experience that has been passed is the method used in this activity, so that participants are expected to be aware of some important things that have been followed in the game which has been analogized according to the explanation above. Participants are expected to better understand the importance of a teamwork (Team Work), become a leader who can become a true leader (Leadership), and others.

Outbound Location or Place in Bali Based on Themes

Team Building

The selection of an outbound location and place in Bali based on the above theme choices can be determined by several factors. If the theme is team building, even in the hotel yard, where the lawn is in condition with grass that many people can step on, can actually be the venue for the event. However, some hotels enforce the provisions, and for certain reasons, so sometimes the hotel does not allow it. However, at least you can also find the closest location, for example the beach, which can gather and organize games. And if you plan or have scheduled a team building for a day, you can choose locations in several places, namely in Ubud, Bedugul, or even in Kintamani. Participants leave in the morning, and return in the afternoon.
Amazing Race

When the outbound theme fell on the Amazing Race option, this was very interesting, because the participants only gathered for some preparation and ice breaking at the hotel parking, then then they were given a clue to several posts with a vehicle. For this theme, often using classic cars, namely VW Safari or vehicles with the nuances of Bali Incentive (Outbound, Outing, Gathering) are often held in Bali with various themes, because besides having extraordinary tourist attraction, Bali is also located in the middle category based on geographic Indonesia. An office or company that prioritizes Human Resources (HR) as the most important thing, which has the principle that HR is the greatest asset, so it is often organized an Incentive Program. Some of these programs that have been frequently held in Bali include outbound, outing, and gathering which are packed with various activities and varying in duration. Depending on the objectives and theme of each activity, of course based on the initial concept that has been determined and decided in a plan.

Outbound, Outing and Gathering Packages in Bali

Of the several packages for incentive programs, namely outbound, outing and gathering in Bali, this depends on the choices such as the theme and concept.

Outbound Location or Place in Bali Based on Themes

Team Building

The selection of an outbound location and place in Bali based on the above theme choices can be determined by several factors. If the theme is team building, even in the hotel yard, where the lawn is in condition with grass that many people can step on, can actually be the venue for the event. However, some hotels enforce the provisions, and for certain reasons, so sometimes the hotel does not allow it. However, at least you can also find the closest location, for example the beach, which can gather and organize games. And if you plan or have scheduled a team building for a day, you can choose locations in several places, namely in Ubud, Bedugul, or even in Kintamani. Participants leave in the morning, and return in the afternoon.
Amazing Race

When the outbound theme fell on the Amazing Race option, this was very interesting, because the participants only gathered for some preparation and ice breaking at the hotel parking, then then they were given a clue to several posts with a vehicle. For this theme, they often use classic cars, namely VW Safari or vehicles with adventure nuances, namely 4 WD such as Land Rover, Jimny Jeep, Hard Top and other types. After passing several posts according to the clue’s instructions, participants will not be at the finish point. In this place, you will be given a game which is called the Final Project Game. The analogy of unifying the vision and mission of a management or organization is the concept in this game.
Treasure Hunt

For outbound organizers who want to make a combination of physical and mental training in the open, it is not wrong to decide to choose the Treasure Hunt theme. Because this activity is a combination of team building with other types of activities such as trekking (walking) or cycling (cycling), where the concept is not much different from the Amazing Race, but is more likely to be a starting point of a trip to several posts and to the finish point with adventure tours like the trekking or cycling. Determination of trekking or cycling paths and the types of adventure tourism that are the combination are very much determined by the age of the participants and the number of male and female participants. Because the path can be selected whether the light, medium, or even with a heavier category.

Outing Theme in Bali

The appropriate theme for an outing event can be chosen such as cycling, rafting, tubing, trekking, paintball, ATV Ride, water sports, and other adventure tourism activities. Including the Sightseeing Tour is one of the outing themes in Bali that can be designed such as Ubud & Kintamni Tour, Bedugul & Tanah Lot Tour, Tanjung Benoa & Uluwatu Tour and others. When choosing a discussion is very necessary, because it will not be more interesting than the outing that has been held. With coordination via email or telephone, it will be more effective. And then it has become a certainty, an inspection can also be done to make sure everything is related to the event or program.